
Equipping lay people of all ages and education levels with skills and understandings for faithful and dynamic Christian living, 行动, and leadership with special emphasis on small congregations.

2023 - 2024年课程

“Divine Creativity and Holy Imagination: Cultivating a Creative Church (2-part course)”


推荐者: Liz Ullery Swenson, WildWood聚会的牧师
.3 CEU信用


Before we know anything else about God, we know of God’s creativity. God created day and night, water and land, fish and birds, calling them good. 上帝按照自己的形象创造了人类, 这样做的时候, imbued us with the capacity for creativity and imagination.

How are our faith communities fostering that sacred creativity and holy imagination? How do we create opportunities for open-ended exploration, integrated 艺术 reflection and a spiritual practice that is tactile? Theologian Sallie McFague invites us to marvel in the wonder of the Divine presence in all things, “We might begin to recognize the extraordinariness of the ordinary. 最火的十个赌博软件将开始享受创造, 而不是永恒之神的杰作, 乃是作为永生神的圣礼.“通过上帝神圣而富有创造力的想象力, all of creation is alive with the ever-creating breath of God, 最火的十个赌博软件被邀请成为共同创作者.

In our time together we will explore the possibilities for cultivating space for creativity and imagination in our daily lives and on Sunday morning. How might our prayers change if we prayed with finger paint or sidewalk chalk? 如果最火的十个赌博软件用双手在肥沃的土地上敬拜上帝会怎么样呢? 最火的十个赌博软件是否创造了一个空间去遇见一个色彩斑斓的上帝?

以神圣造物主的形象创造的, every person contains the capacity for creativity and imagination, 无论你是一个有经验的艺术家, 社交媒体内容创作者, 天才缝被子的, 或者从小学开始就没有涂鸦过. This is an opportunity to expand our idea of what it means to be a creative person.

牧师. Liz Ullery Swenson lives at the intersection of spirituality and creativity. As the planting-pastor with WildWood Gathering she is cultivating and reimagining faith community. Starting in 2016 WildWood is creating safe spiritual space for those on the margins. She has a Bachelor in Theater Arts, a Masters of Library Science and Masters of Divinity. 她是个野心过大的园丁, 妈妈对她五岁的女儿说, 花太多时间在社交媒体上.


晚上6:30 - 8:30中环

推荐者: Tamisha泰勒, 神学与文化客座助理教授, 和Theopoetics, 伯大尼神学院
.2 CEU信用


Afrofuturism is described as the intersection between science fiction, 黑人文化, 技术, 未来, 和解放. 连接各种类型,包括艺术, 技术, 文学, 和科学, Afrofuturism is also filled with religious and theological themes. 本课程将探索非洲未来主义的世界, 注意贯穿始终的神学主题. 非洲未来主义创造了回答这些问题的世界, 一个以黑人为中心的未来会是什么样子? What future conditions must exist for Black people to thrive?” The focus of this class is to dig into the theological themes that make up that world.

Tamisha一. 泰勒 (she/her/hers) is a 神学与文化客座助理教授, 和Theopoetics at 伯大尼神学院 in Richmond, 印第安纳州. 她的研究兴趣包括神学, 神学与艺术, Afrofuturism, 黑人流行文化, 和科幻小说. 她的论文, Articulating Sensibilities: Methodologies in Theopoetics in Conversation with Octavia E. 巴特勒, explores 巴特勒’s work in the Parable Series as an embodied, 艺术, 以及对神学的神学回应, 经济, 以及巴特勒反乌托邦世界中的生态剧变. She is part of the Level Ground artist collective in Los Angeles, Calif. and her work can be seen in Feminism in Religion’s blog, and Fuller Magazine. Her latest project explores religion in the literary world of Octavia 巴特勒.

“Becoming a More Loving and Inclusive Church (2-part course)”


推荐者: 蒂姆而言, Church of the Brethren Minister and 2023 Annual Conference Moderator
.3 CEU信用


我的信念是当最火的十个赌博软件, 作为教会的成员, refuse to see and affirm every sister and brother—no matter their sexual orientation—as equals in the eyes of God, 最火的十个赌博软件对他们施暴就是伤害最火的十个赌博软件自己.

关于人类的性行为, the Church of the Brethren was not of one mind in 1983 when Annual Conference narrowly adopted our major statement on this issue. 40多年后的今天,最火的十个赌博软件的想法并不一致. Can we set aside our disagreements about matters of human sexuality and, 相互尊重, 真心相爱? 是什么阻碍了最火的十个赌博软件更包容地去爱? 最火的十个赌博软件是在保护权力和特权吗? 最火的十个赌博软件害怕改变吗?? 成为更有爱心、更忠心的基督门徒, are we willing to take on the task of bearing divine love and risk the possibility of unknown challenges? Are we willing to reflect God’s gift of unconditional love and yield to Jesus’s call of inclusive love?

In this session Tim will lead a discussion of these and related questions.

蒂姆而言 joined the Warrensburg (MO) Church of the Brethren at age 16 and later served on the denominational staff as director of what is now known as the Office of Peacebuilding and Policy. At Manchester University he served four years as campus pastor, 做了八年的筹款人, five years on the faculty as director of the Peace Studies Institute, and one year as administrator of the academic affairs department.

他曾担任2023年年会主持人, 作为刚刚过去的主持人, 他是常务委员会成员. He was an ordained Church of the Brethren minister for 12 years and was a part-time chaplain at Timbercrest Retirement Community where he served a term on the board of directors. 他还曾在埃德尔金融公司董事会任职, two terms on the SERRV board and currently serves on the board of directors for New Community Project.

Tim holds a BA in peace studies and religion/philosophy from Manchester, an M.毕业于伯大尼神学院,获得硕士和博士学位.D. 普渡college国际关系专业毕业.




All course times are 9 am-noon Central Time unless indicated otherwise.

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网上报名是首选方法.  There is no charge for courses; however, a suggested donation is invited.

Ventures courses, while not for college credit, offer high-quality instruction. 该计划的目标是赋予外行权力, 尤其是在较小的会众中, 更有效地进行门徒的工作, following in Jesus’ footsteps to transform ourselves and the world. You are invited to journey with others on this new pathway sponsored by 最火的十个赌博软件.

现场课程的技术要求: If you can surf the web, you will be able to participate in our online courses! 为了最好的体验, we recommend that you have a computer with high-speed internet connection and external powered speakers. We encourage several people to share a computer to participate in a course together! 大多数课程不需要相机或麦克风.